Email Verification Bypass Easy-P4
Hi, Ajak Amico’s welcome back to another blog. Today In this blog, I will share how I found an easy Email verification bypass flaw on a registration page in a UK government site, So Before starting, if you haven’t subscribed to our channel, do subscribe, guys. Contents related to cyber security, Bug Bounty, and Digital Forensics Investigation.
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Bug Description:
Title: Guessable API Endpoint Leads to Bypass Email Verification in Register Page.
Severity: P4
Bug Type: Improper Authentication
Affected domain: (
Since the vulnerability has not been patched, I will make the target as and I found it on the UK government site.
As it stays my usual recon process After utilizing my favourite tool,, for subdomain enumeration and accessing all URLs through bulk URLs, and the second is via Google Dorks
intext:register site:*.*
So when I scrolled through, I found an interesting website. It was a site where users can manage their data, and register for newsletters, courses, training sessions, and competitions. It had all basic functionalities such as a registration page, login page, upload functionality, and purchasing courses.
To test functionality, I started to create an account on and observed the normal response. It functioned as expected: upon registration, an email confirmation was sent with a token ID and username. Then, I fired up my Burp Suite and began examining the requests and responses. They appeared quite standard. The request looked like this:
Account-1 (Victim_user)
Now, once I clicked on the link, my account was verified. Next, I created another account, naming it ‘account-2’ (attacker). I used Burp Suite to create this account, aiming to discover any information disclosures, but I encountered difficulties. However, when I received the confirmation link in my email, I was surprised to find that I could easily guess the token and access almost the same link as account 1
Accuount-2 (Attacker_user)
as you can see for account 1 the SignupID was
and for the account 2 signupID was,
the only difference here is that the ID changed from 12-> 13 and it was easily guessable, so
I created an account-3 with and I didn't know the email to confirm the registration process.
but since the token was guessable, I just created the guessable link by changing the SignupID. And my final parameter looked like this.
and just entered the URL in a new tab, and to my surprise, the email ID got validated.
now I just entered the Email address and password to crossverify.
Even though it’s just a pre-account takeover, the guessable API token affected the whole registration functionality. As a result, I was logged in as I reported it and am waiting for the team’s confirmation for further updates. Let’s hope for the best. See you in the next blog! Cheers :)
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