How Celebrities Social media accounts get hacked in real time?
Hi, Ajak amico’s welcome once again! Have you ever wondered how celebrities’ social media accounts get hacked? As a digital forensic investigator, I will break down how social media accounts are getting hacked in real-time. let’s take off . Before starting, if you haven’t subscribed to our channel, do subscribe, guys.
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- Phishing:
An effective and simple way a social media account is getting hacked is by phishing. Tricking users to click on vulnerable links which look legitimate to gather sensitive information. this especially happens just by collecting the email address of the celebrities, to do so, just go to a Youtube channel → about → View Email address. this gives the celebrities email address
Now attackers creates a clone of some famous websites and make it registered under a domain name and make it looks like a valid business Email address and now attacker creates a login page, if the users mistakenly hits his/her password, their username and passwords will be captured via keyloggers, if they didn’t enable their 2FA, their account is ghatam…tata, goodbye…
if you see above, we could see the offer is from the MSI team, but if you see the Email address, it is “”, but the original should look like “” so this confirms that the email is a phishing one.
2) Changing primary Email address:
When it comes to social media, we will create an account with the original Email address, and for backup, we would add a secondary Email address. just by changing it to the attacker’s email address, you can successfully give your whole account to the attacker. well, you may wonder how here we require a few social engineering tactics also.
Recently I handled a small case where the user received a DM post stating you can earn just 2x income just by promoting their fake business, for this they would sign a fake agreement via Email, and in that, they would ask to change their primary email address to their fake one, once you did that your whole account will be hacked, in case of celebrity, they would receive a marketing and promotion DM’s and same exact process happens. and you receive a security message like the below screenshot.
3) Installing 3rd party app
This process is the same as the above one, yet more effective because we can access your whole phone with this method, in real case scenario, an attacker sents a via mail or in DM stating, we will offer you $2000 if you promote our app through your social media account or youtube, and same an agreement would be digitally signed, and the first step would be installing their app in your phone, and that specific app would not be in the play store, it would be inbuilt by the attacker and would be in chrome browser, once you click allow access everything is seen by the attacker even your photos, videos, notes messages, literally everything. and Attacker would have also imposed a keylogger in that app so that he could track each and every step, and eventually, all the usernames and passwords would be hacked. this is sent by mail via attachment also.
4) Breached passwords and password reuse
Each and every day, many sites are getting hacked, and all usernames, email addresses, and passwords are getting breached via the dark web, and every piece of information is sold for money. A year ago, millions of Facebook passwords and email addresses were breached, and hackers just simply logged into accounts without any difficulties, use multiple passwords for different sites, and make one for professional use, one for personal use and finally for dummy purposes. by doing this, you can protect your passwords from getting breached often. This suite for real case scenarios, millions of users, including celebrities’ accounts, usernames and passwords, will be breached. If you don’t have a 2FA enabled, your account will be hacked too. to check whether your password has been breached, you can use a site called “haveibeenpwned” simply by giving your Email address, you can check your passwords have been breached or not, check this at least once per month for privacy concerns.
This is are the simple methods celebrities and your accounts are also getting hacked, to be safe just stay away from phishing emails and links attachments, always enable 2FA for all your social media accounts, and always have 2–3 passwords for different websites you use regularly. I hope you would have learned some information from this blog if so, kindly press that follow button for further updates. Best wishes from Ajak Cybersecurity. ❤️
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