Top Programming Languages You Need to Know In 2024
Hi Ajak Amico :)Welcome back to another Small blog, Today we can see the Top programming languages you need to know in 2024. Before starting, if you haven’t subscribed to our channel, do subscribe, guys.
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1. Python
Python is one of the most popular programming languages and it is the Easiest language to learn and its syntax is very easy to learn.
It is used in many fields and major fields are Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Automation, and Game development in Cybersecurity, Ethical hacking field it is used to create automation tools.
Java is one of the most well-known programming languages from earlier to now, it played a vital role in the IT field.
It is mainly used to create Web Applications, Enterprise Applications, android apps and games.
It is the mother of all programming languages, All of the programming languages are derived from this Language.
It is mainly used for OS creation, GUI Applications, Embbed systems, Advance computing and games.
4. Javascript
Most people are confused both Java and JavaScript are similar, It is Totally different from Java.
It is mainly used in Client Server Communication, web development to make a website more interactive, and Iot learning and it has more frameworks like nodejs , reactjs .
5. Swift
It is mainly used to create IOS, Mac application development and Blockchain development, system programming(kernel, driver), and machine learning.
Apart from above programming languages, you can learn Ruby, Pearl, R.
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“கற்றவை பற்றவை🔥”
Learn Everyday, Happy Hacking 😁🙌
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